(702) 567-5433
Chiroprarctic for Life is about far more than adjustments! We are a community based practice that specializes in chiropractic care for the entire family. In addition to our two chiropractors on staff we also offer Reiki, massage, craniosacral therapy, and creative visual relaxation (CVR) sessions in our Mind Spa.
Dr. Koury is in the office Tuesday, Wednesdays, and Thursday from 10-1 and 3-6 and Friday from 10-3. To set up an appointment with Dr. Koury call 702-567-5433.
Amy, The Reiki Gal, is available by appointment only and can be reached at 702-875-2967. Finally, the Mind Spa is open during all business hours and appointments are available for creative visual relaxation (CVR) sessions Tuesday-Friday.

Wellness the whole family will love!
Whether you need an appointment, have an after hours concern, or just need an easy way to touch base: send us an email and we'll get back to you as quickly as possible.
7455 W Azure Dr # 120, Las Vegas, NV 89130, USA
(702) 567-5433